Firm about Food


Almost all of us have the lingering memory of a taste with us.


We try to recreate the memory either by trying to cook like our parents (who are the ones mostly responsible for embedding it in the first place) or by visiting those haunts which serve to placate the palette.


We carry and care for the memory so much that we try to revisit it often, no matter where we are.


Nothing wrong with that except for the fact that sometimes we are in regions which are not conducive with either having the right ingredients present there or the weather is favourable for that kind of food.


Every region has fruits, vegetables, spices, pulses native to that place because of its weather. Cultivated in that area because of the soil and water conditions present. Also, the cuisine is developed with these native ingredients to combat with the weather and climatic conditions there.


For example, curd rice is eaten in South India to beat the heat but imagine eating curd rice when you are in a cool climate where the body does not need internal cooling daily.


With the work scenario taking us all over the world, a lot of us end up living in states or even countries which do not always have the food the culture we grew up in.


While some of us embrace the local cuisine, others are too rigid about their food habits and insist on continue eating what we are used to without giving in to what the region has to offer.


This makes us miss the delightful experience of appreciating the local flavours and miss out on what could be an exciting journey into the hearts and minds of the locals because as we all know, the way to most people’s heart is through their stomach or by appreciating their way of life.


Also, being rigid to food habits shows a personality that is unbend-able in a way, shutting out or not respecting the thoughts and sensibilities of others around us. It also shows that the person is trying to impress upon others that his/her culture is more superior than others.

If you are an Indian food lover You can also check our Following Links for getting the best Indian foods at your Locality.


Unless you want to be a person who invites conflict and does not want to embrace the world with open arms you can stick to your guns or buns in this case but remember the bread is sometimes softer on the other side too.


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